Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 2 - Sept 7th - Drive To The Redwoods


Note: A few pictures have been added to the post for Day One

After a very cold night camping in the mist at Cape Lookout, we left at about 11am. We got onto to US 101, which goes right down the west coast. It is a two lane freeway, which is a bit hairy at some points, but it brings you through some great little towns. This was our drive.

The drive to the Prairie Creek Redwood Forest took us around 8 hours. Pretty tiring drive but the scenery made up for it. The drive took us right along the coast with some huge cliffs and miles of rugged coastline, plenty of surfing towns, campsites, RV parks. Everyone on the road seemed to be camping one way or another, hauling huge RV's, or keeping it real in retro VW vans.

As we left Oregon and passed into northern California it got alot warmer, which made everyone happier. After about 50 or so miles we hit the great redwood forests. WOW! Just immense trees for miles and miles. Crossing ELK signs on every corner and warnings of bears let us know we were at natures mercy. As we drove the winding road through the forest the sun started to set and it illuminated the trees in a red hue. Was bloody amazing! But with this came the darkness and Emma put the foot on the gas to make it to our campsite before we had to pitch a tent in the pitch black.

We arrived at the site nestled right in the woods, surrounded by towering trees. We pitched the tent, blew up air matresses, put the food in the bear box and lit a fire and had smores!!

After the fire embers were on they way out and the mosquitos became too many we called it a day!!

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