Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 12th - Goodbye - Choo Choo

Note: We havent had access to anything resembling the internet in about 5 days so the blog has been suffering but we are still going. Internet at tent sites would be sweet.


This was the day that the two couples said goodbye, after having lived together for three months and then spending 24/7 together for over a week. Ian and Emma were going down the Californian Coast to continue their roadtrip and Graham and Sophie were heading back up to Vancouver on a 24 hour train journey.


With Ian and Emma on the road we had 10 hours to kill before our train journey. We walked up Market street where the wheelchair fella was still giving people agro in the street. We both had two huge cases which we wheeled to the customer service desk of Macy's. They were kind enough to take them off our hands under the assumption that we were about to spend loads of money in their shop, so off we went to Starbucks. The next 10 hours we spent "case-less", which was good and so we plodded around San Fran, sitting in the main square and surrounding streets. Finally, we took a taxi to Emeryville where our train left from.

Graham in the Square:
The "Coast Starlight" train service also known as the "Coast StarLATE" lived up to its reputation arriving 2 hours late. The scenery was amazing the people were friendly and the train was massive. Sophie looked tiny in comparison to the seats. We spent most of our time playing cards and in my case losing at cards, which is always fun. We arrived in Seattle and got our connecting bus to Vancouver, leaving one man at the border along the way as he didn't meet the standards. That pretty much ended our part of "USA road trip 08". We had a great time and hope we'll do it again sometime. Thanks to Ian and Emma for driving and looking after everything…Thanks!!
The viewing carriage of the train:

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