Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day One - 6th Sept - The Scam and the Racist Border Officer

Hey Ho,

Yesterday was our first day on the road. We left Vancouver at 6:30am. Below is the starting mileage on the van!!

We filled up on "gas".

While at the gas station there was a man who approached us stating his van was broken into last night and had all his tools and bags stolen. We had a quick glance at his van and everything seemed to check out. He showed us ID proving he was from Prince George, which is a good 4 hour drive from Vancouver. So we gave him $20 for gas. As we pulled out we saw him approach another driver and give the same story, i think we were scammed big time but we'll never know.

Below is the route we took to Cape Lookout Provincial Park from Vancouver.

Anyway, after our encounter with the best actor/scam artist Vancouver had to offer we were on our way. We hit the US border with only a 40min wait, which is is pretty damn good. When we handed over the 4 passports we proceed to listen the most racist man i;ve ever met telling us that the white european race is in decline and that the US is being over run by Mexicans. I think we saw a mexican family in the line for the border, i really hope they didnt end up with that guy.

We flew down the I-5, not the most interesting road. Turns into a big 5 line interstate before Seattle and is just littered with Wal-Marts and huge commercial chains.

We crossed the Washington border into Oregon where we turned onto I405 in Portland and headed toward the coast. The drive was amazing, much like a rally course with twists and turns through immense green pine forests. Lucky we had a good bit of gas in the tank because we were in the back arse.

We finally hit the coast which was covered in the heaviest mist. It just hung over the huge trees. We signed into the campsite at Cape Lookout, there wasnt much "looking out going on - the mist kinda buggered that up". We set up camp with the tent and tarp, got a meal going, got some fire logs burning.

We hit the hay as we were all shattered, convincing ourselves we will become better road trippers over the next few days.

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