Saturday, September 13, 2008

Day 5 - Sept 10th - Sean Connery What A Plonker


So after a nice sleep in a proper bed we all got up around 8:30am. Everyone wanted a shower to clean up after three days on the road. As we only paid for 2 people to stay in the hotel (it was only an extra $15 for 4 - when you can get away with it) Graham had to go down and get the free breakfast for four of us. He was getting some looks.

So we were booked in for the 11am cruise and tour of Alcatraz prison. Yahooooo! We jumped in a taxi driven by a crazy African dude who nearly rear-ended a woman talking on her 'cell phone'. It was a sunny day in San Fran but there was a wind about.

Here is us on the boat. Graham and Sophie in a patriotic photo.

The boat journey only takes 15 minutes but there is ample opportunity for good photos of San Francisco from the bay.

There is no real tour of Alcatraz, you are free to walk around for as long as you like. The only tour part is the prison cells, where you get a headset and follow instructions and information to work your way around.

Here is a classic of Graham and Sophie at Alcatraz, get a load of Grahams hair.

While learning about this amazingly historical place I couldnt get the absolutley dire crap film Sean Connery made entitled "The Rock" out of my head. What a plonker!! Him and his green toxic balls. However they sold the dvd on the island, probably the one movie that draws in all the tourists, but it was crap!!

The cells were tiny, cold and damp. Was an amazing place, I'd highly recommend it to anyone!

After Alcatraz we walked around Fishermans Wharf, full of shops, and a Hooters. For anyone who doesn't know, Hooters is a restaurant where the waitresses wear very little and push-up bras. Sophie was dying to go to this place, myself and Graham werent really bothered!! Ha ha.

We then hopped on a bus/tram, not the famous red ones, we were keeping that for the next day. We headed to downtown for a bout of shopping. We all got various stuff, as it got dark we grabbed a bottle of Malibu and headed back to the hotel for a night cap.

This is all you need to know.

An out of focus photo of Graham holding Sophie who is crushed into a bag.



Suzanne said...

Ok, so I've bookmarked your blog now and I'm going to check it every day. I can't wait to hear what this Sean Connery thing is!
Anyway, so far the trip looks amazing, I wish I was there!
That tree was bloody huge! I hope you had a bear bell with you ;)
Look after yourselves and don't be getting scammed by anymore hobo's ya softies!
Have fun!
Suzanne x

Unknown said...

Hi Guys,
What is this Sean Connery thing about. I think it is about your Dad and the suit combo for the dinner dance, am I right? Hop eyou are not missing Graham and Sophie too much. Talk soon