Thursday, September 25, 2008

Refugio Beach, California Sunday September 14th – Tuesday September 16th

It wasn’t too long of a drive at all to Refugio Beach, but again, we got to drive down the beautiful, breathtaking Californian Coastline. We drove by huge vineyards cultivating some sweet grapes for some Californian wines.

On the drive down we came across a beach that was covered in seals that were in heat, oh yeah, the smell was beautiful, they arrive for only 2-3 weeks in the year as the migrate up the coast, to shed their blubber and to reproduce.

When we reached the campsite it looked like paradise! The campsite was small and was right on the beach! If you looked out from your tent you could see the white sand, lined with towering palm trees and then the dazzling blue see. It really was gorgeous!

We spent a lot of our time in Refugio on the beach.

When we got too hot we went for a drive to the Santa Barbara library which was just south of our campsite, to cool down in their air conditioning and to catch up on some emails. We bought some $1 hardback books frmo the library. Emma got a Sidney Sheldon and Ian got a John Grishan. We had a lovely dinner that night made on our campstove – vegetable chilli with rice and a nice bottle of said Californian white wine to sip by the campfire.

While sitting on the beach after many games of frisby we glanced out at the ocean and spotted groups of dolphins migrating up the coast. Looked pretty sweet but the camera couldnt really pick them up, they just looked like specks.

We got up pretty early both mornings we stayed at Refugio as you kinda wake with the noise of the birds and the sun rising, which raises the heat in the tent to unbearable. Some toast and tea sir?

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