Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pfeiffer/Big Sur, California Friday September 12th – Sunday September 14th

Ian and Emma had to leave early the day they were leaving San Francisco as they hadn’t yet made any reservations for a campsite.

Before they left San Francisco, they stopped off at the intersection of Langton and Harrison St - yes two streets called Harrison Ave and Langton St intersect!!

They travelled down the coast, on a rollercoaster of a road, where you could see the coastline for miles and miles in front of you. The road had so many twists and turns which made the road difficult to drive, never mind driving right on the cliff edge with no barrier!!

We reached the campsite and thank God, there was space for us. When we were checking in, there was a sign warning us of rattlesnakes!! The sign said that they would only attack you if you threatened them!! We set up our tent anyway and it was right beside the toilets!! When you have to get up in the middle of the night to pee, by yourself, its great not to have to walk a long way in the pitch black in a forest to get to the toilets!! The nights that we spent in Big Sur, of course we had to go to the loo in the middle of the night and were petrified walking beside the bushes because you could actually hear the rattles!! It was scary! You knew you had to walk by them and were just hoping that you didn’t feel something at your ankles!!

Big Sur is an amazing place and unfortunately a lot of the area got damaged by a forest fire in June of this year caused by lightning. Because of this, nearly all of the hiking trails were closed. Nearly half of the campsite was closed too/ Big Sur has some beautiful beaches though – The Thrills even have a song called Big Sur. The beaches are like paradise. We had one full day in Big Sur and we spent most of it on the beach – of course we got sun burned! (By the way, these few blog entries are being written on the laptop in the car, going through the desert on our way to Las Vegas!)

Here are some photos from the beach.

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