Friday, September 5, 2008

The Shit Has Hit the proverbial "FAN"


Don't have a clue who'd be reading this except the parents but we are gonna give this blog malarky a bash for our road trip through the west coast of the US of A. We will try to update it regularly with a summary of the goings-on of the day and some photographs to accompany.

This is the night before the first day. We leave for Cape Lookout Provincial Park located in North Oregon tomorrow at the fine hour of 6AM. We will be camping there for one night and then moving on!!

Emma is manic at the moment, packing, cleaning and being the general orchestrator of this show. Graham is being a sarcastic git as usual and Sophie is playing it cool, writing postcards and letters. I'm doing whatever I'm told by the boss.

Keep tuned,

Emma, Ian, Graham and Sophie

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes the first commentgoes to the parents 'be careful out there' what else would we say. O Yeah have a great trip Trish and Dec xxxx